Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Some Cops Dont Have Cameras On There Chest, Why Dont They All Have Them ?

              The idea is that a video camera mounted on an officer's vest or uniform would provide an accurate, objective account of every encounter with a civilian. Ideally, the camera would discourage police misconduct while protecting officers against unfounded civil complaints of brutality or corruption. Other police departments across the U.S. are also now testing body cameras. Amid protests following the lack of indictments in the Garner case. This will improve the work of the law.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I am going to give you to ways on how not to get shot by a cop
           Control your body language:
1. Don't run from the cops

2. Avoid any sudden movements

3. Keep your hands visible

4. Do not touch, hit, or assault a police officer

5. Do what your told, and do it slowly

6. Remain Calm


8. Ask if you are being detained

9. Refrain from making threats

10. Avoid making humor about the situation

 There are ten ways to avoid getting shot. If you do any of these there shouldn't be any cops bothering you or harassing you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Question ?

How can we stop cops from shooting unarmed people?

      Police kill a lot of unarmed people.  So far in 2015, as many as 100 unarmed people have been killed by police. First, a bit of background.  So far in 2015, there have been around 400 fatal police shootings already; one in six of those killings, 16 percent, were of unarmed people, 49 had no weapon at all and 13 had toys, according to the Washington Post.  Of the police killings this year less 1 percent  have resulted in the officer being charged with a crime.  The Guardian did a study which included killings by Tasers and found 102 people killed by police so far in 2015 were unarmed and that unarmed Black people are twice as likely to be killed by police as whites.  
     This should stop ASAP. Police are not helping anybody by shooting them if they do not have a reason too. Some of the reasons do not even sound reasonable. Instead of real bullets cops should have rubber bullets for warning shots.

-Why Don't They Have Rubber Bullets ?
-Why Don"t They Have A Camera On The Chest ?
-What Happens If They Kill Someone ?
